‚Fraktaler Einblick‘ – Monotype [EN]

Last updated on 21. November 2014

Dieser Artikel ist auch auf Deutsch erschienen.

Last Sunday was the open heritage day in Zittau and artists around Zittau were called to do some exhibitions in the old houses that were open to be visited. It was part of the first art festival of Zittau, that was called ‚Denk-mal KUNST‘. Unfortunately I didn’t had enough time to visit all the buildings, but I managed to get to nearly the half of it and I had some great conversations with some of the artists. Under the direction of Ursula Hoffmann you also had the chance to get creative and to try monotyping.

A monotype, as I learned on this day, is a type od printmaking where you draw or paint on a smooth surface which is printed to a sheet of paper. As you create the image with working with the color on the surface, every print is original. You can’t print the same picture twice – therefore it is called monotype. This makes it to a very interesting technique that is easy to do and creates unique paintings.

Of course I used the chance to do my own monotype, that was printed in three layers. The text on the print is also its name: ‚Fraktaler Einblick‘ which means ‚fractal insight‘ in English.


Marlene Knoche Verfasst von:

Informatikerin mit Hang zur Kunst. - Theaterbegeistert, mag Katzen und Kaffee.

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