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At the beginning of January I got to know HabitRPG, as a colleague of mine shared it on a social network. It is a website where you are able to create a real RPG out of your daily tasks! You can do quests, join guilds, collect experiece points, level up your character and your tasks in real life will be rewarded with gold!

After your registration you will get a nice pixelated avatar, which you can equip with items like armor, weapons or pets. The main part at HabitRPG is to do tasks, you define by yourself. Therefore you can choose between habits, dailies or to-dos.
Habits are the things you more than once a day. This habits could be good and/or bad. As an example: when you take the stairs instead of the elevator you can add a positive count to this habit, if you do the opposite, you can give you a negative count.
Dailies are daily tasks, which you can relate to the days of the week. They are done once a day.
To-Dos are the little tasks, you want to do to a specific date or just have to be done. Here you also have the possibility to add a checklist to define some subtasks for the specific task.
For all sorts of tasks you can add a difficulty (easy, medium, hard) and influence the amount of experience points and gold you gain when you finish a task or how many life points you lose when miss to finish a daily or follow one of your bad habits.
With the gold and silver you gain from finishing tasks you can buy rewards created by yourself or some armor to enhance your stats.
Beside this „single player“-mode there is also a „multi player“-mode. This means you can join some guilds, create a party where you can do quests with other people and gain additional experience points and gold. Within the guilds you can connect to other players and talk with them. In Addition to it there exists challenges where all players of HabitRPG could join. The winnings of this challenges are diamonds which could be exchanged for some special items in the game.
After ten days of using HabitRPG I’m kind of used to it and I feel motivated to clear all my tasks. This is just the right motivation for me while I’m right before my exams.
Maybe HabitRPG is kind a help for you to gain some motivation.
What do you think about HabitRPG? Have you already tested it or does it not fit with you? I’m looking forward to your comments!
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